Wednesday, August 27

Beer spills out the truth

OK - I'll come clean. This past weekend I really went to the Minnesota State Fair to see the Backstreet Boys in concert. Yes, it's true. They were my childhood sweethearts, my passion and my obsession and nobody can take that away from me. And ... they are still awesome.

These pictures take me back every time - and hopefully can offer you a little bit of their flavor. Trust me, it won't turn you gay. Just sexy.

I actually saw the Backstreet Boys for the first time during the good ol' days of middle school at Milwaukee's own Bradley Center. So, what's changed over the past years? Well, the boys now consist of four members, instead of five (one decided not too continue on because he's too old to be a BSB. Come on, doesn't he understand you're never too old for anything?) Secondly, I'm 22 years old now, not 12. I can, and did, drink beer before, during and after the concert. It was awesome. And that thought brings me to the ever-famous and a little behind beer of the week.

Lyssa's Beer of the Week: This week's pick is Minnesota grown Premium Grain Belt. A beer that I learned about during college due to Eau Claire's proximity to Minnesota and an overwhelming population of Minnesotans at the school, it's a cheap domestic brew that tastes better than just that. Trying to be economical in this day and age, my friend and I ordered a pitcher of it at the fair. She'd never had it before, but said she enjoyed it.

Worth-A-Try scale: (10 - way worth it. 1 - um, don't bother.) Not that it is a beer to brag about, but for the price I think I'll settle on an 8. It'd be an affordable way to get the fridge stocked again - but also a chance to stock it with something new.

*Blogger's apology: I know I haven't been keeping up on my posts much since leaving JSOnline. However, please stick with me  because I plan to write more once I am situated in Florida. As of now, I am too occupied packing and catching up with friends, who seem to like distracting me with beer. So, sorry for slacking. Check back for more regular updates in about a week, when I will be relaxing with the sand in my toes, the sun in my eyes and a beer in my hand. 


Rod said...

NOOOOOOOO!! Not Grain Belt Premium LOL.

Oh the mighty have fallen!! You has been assimilated into Macro Brew world! Bud Light with a few more hops!

I will pray for you.

Rod said...

WAIT - I take all that back - wrong Grain Belt - you were drinking the one made by August Schell ??

Not half bad if that is the case.

A time and place for this beer - not one for quite reflecting next to a fire. A good one for gulping down at a party.

I concur (as if you cared LOL) I KNEW you had better taste! WHEW - I faith has been restored :-)