Monday, April 20

When light beer is good

Don't worry, I wasn't actually drinking light beer, I just happened to stumble upon a microbrew that poured surprisingly light in color (It's the girl in me that wants to think microbrews have to be darker in color. Kind of like thinking about running out of blinker fluid).

Bell's Lager Beer, also known as their Lager of the Lakes, pours a light golden draft, reflecting the twinkling of a lake on a summer's afternoon — and tastes just good enough to make you believe your relaxing in that exact scenario.

I added a slice of lime to give it a little more bounce, but it was perfectly delicious just by itself as well.

All in all, I tend to find Bell's a delightful brewery. Anybody have a favorite by them?


Anonymous said...

bell's two hearted ale is my go-to brew. my favorite is the seasonal Hopslam, if you're into very very hoppy beers.

Todd said...

Just thought I would invite you to party with us.
Black River Falls, WI
Saturday, May 16
4 to 8 p.m.
Lunda Community Park
50 Beers
Locally made Meats and Cheeses
$30 at the gate.
Money goes to support the local Athletic Boosters Club.

Black River Falls is exit 115 & 116 Us Hwy 94 East.